Welcome to Precalculus, Tenth Edition. We are excited to offer you a new edition with even more resources that will help you understand and master precalculus. This textbook includes features and resources that continue to make Precalculus a valuable learning tool for students and a trustworthy teaching tool for instructors. Precalculus provides the clear instruction, precise mathematics, and thorough coverage that you expect for your course. Additionally, this new edition provides you with free access to three companion websites: 
• CalcView.com—video solutions to selected exercises
• CalcChat.com—worked-out solutions to odd-numbered exercises and access to online tutors 
• LarsonPrecalculus.com—companion website with resources to supplement your learning These websites will help enhance and reinforce your understanding of the material presented in this text and prepare you for future mathematics courses. CalcView® and CalcChat® are also available as free mobile apps.